Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Another low day!

You know something, I am learning each and every day how hard it is to write a blog when the only thing you are feeling is really nothing!  I know you still are thinking this women is bi-polar for sure (heck the word is probably not even spelled right) but I'm not, being a little down could be just the weather blues, rain always does that to me! I am just plain out in a rotten mood, seems I can not even crack a smile for crown out loud!  Feeling sorry for myself is really ridicules that's for sure, at least I have a job with money coming in.  There is loads of people right now that are really in trouble more so than I have ever been! It is Rob's first day of college, so I am real glad about that and you all know all the good things coming his way!  I really just have to get out of this mood that is dragging me down and call it a day! You know something it is easier said than done, because I am really trying and as of right now, right this minute, nothing is making this person come back to the real world and the land of the happy!  I will check in later to let you know if it got any better!  Pray for me will ya!  Yours truly, Fran!

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