Friday, October 26, 2012

Horoscope update! Aries-10/26/12

This one is good and boy does it relate to my life, It reads: You can spot irritable people at a distance. If you can't avoid them all together, you take care not to arouse antagonism on any level.  Really now how do you do that, I will tell you how!  I am around irritable people 24/7, just a statement, a question will set of fireworks that will make you say, what am I doing here!  It is so much easier said than done but you do what you have to do!  Sure I would love not to even have to deal with a person or persons like that but certain things are not under my control and being made to look stupid has been a big part of my life the last  14 yrs you kinda get used to it!  But and there is a but,  I know, me , myself and I know, I am far from stupid and that's all that really matters.  No one and I mean no one will take my worth from me come hell or high water!  Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Try as you may, not going to happen! Oh and I forgot you could take that to the bank!


I was down the cellar putting cloths in the dryer while my son was taking a shower, that next thing I hear is flowing water, my sewer pipe has a hole in it!  Not a great way to start the day, I could not fine the number for the plumber so I had to call my mother-in-law and explain the situation at 6:30 in the morning in complete detail! So after it stop leaking I dried the pipe and put duck tape over the little hole, good thinking right! Nope not to the hubby, he said I was crazy LOL thats nothing new!  Well, the good news is the hole is right over the sun pump and  I finally got the plumber, he will be here after 3 pm today  thank God, the bad news more money! I swear when it rains it sure does pour!  No matter what  I will make this weekend as good as the past three weekends were so help me God! Latter my friends!

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Hi fellow bloggers, one more day of the daily grind and weekend is here, now all we have to do is worry about the up and coming storm next week.  The weathermen on the news are acting like this could be a perfect storm sort of thing! Not excited about the outcome of this one.  In my area if electric goes down, it takes forever to get back on! Forever for me is a couple of hours to a day, but I know people who have been without electric for days, so I really need to zip it close and stop complaining!
God forbid I cannot blow dry my hair!  The weather today looks and feels like rain, but I do not see a drop in sight!  Two more hours  to go and off to the dentist and home for the night!  I have been watching a new show on Thursdays  WB channel called Beauty and the beast, It most be about the 3rd remake of this show, but I always seem to fall in love with the beast, go figure.  Phantom of the Opera, I did the same thing I was routing for the Phantom instead of the nice boy who she love!  Boring for sure pick the Phantom.  LOL I just love to ramble!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Quite time and politics!

Home from work and just enjoying some quite time, calm and relaxed is the best! Me and the hubby looking at Chris Mathews on Msn NBC. My mom-in-law hates this channel she is a Fox news channel person.  I really believe the Fox channel has one of those swirly things with the colors that hypnotize you! LOL no seriously I think it says hate Obama , hate Obama and the swirly thing does something to your mine and the results is you hate Obama!   LMAO, The family tease my mother-in-law horribly and she gets so mad when my husband, nephew and son do that!  She once was a die-hard Democrat and now is a die- hard Republican.  I don't have a problem with anyones political views, we all have choices.  The problem I do have is, when I walk through the door, do not beat me over the head trying to change the way I see things.  I am a firm believer to each their own.  You like who you like I like who I like, that's your opinion and I have my opinion!  I have learned that politics and talk can turn out very deadly to say the least!  I do not pretend I know much at all about politics! Most of the time I pretty much feel they say what they know you want to hear and than pretty much do nothing at all!  We all have a form of tunnel vision, one way or the other!  If you talk to a Democrat they blame Republicans and visa versa!  Me I just think in 2 weeks we will know who the President will be, and than I pray please make it better, please make the changes you promise, please do not let us down again!

So far, so good!

Things are moving along so fast.  Can you believe it is almost Halloween than Thanksgiving & Christmas or whatever other holiday all my friends get to enjoy! Today I am feeling very content, if that is the right word to use!  I love when I feel like that, sometimes in life things just go as planned and it is just so wonderful!  Rob (my son) is doing great in his first year of college, no questions need to be ask because it is very obvious to us he has everything under control and he knows we are here for him!  His acting classes are going very well, and he feels he is improving on his acting also! He knows January will be here before you know it and the movie will begin filming his parts, so ready he will be! I have learned my not so exciting life might not be exciting to anyone but me, but you know what that is okay! Each and every day all that matters is family, love of life and the joys of future days to come!

Horoscope update- Aries 10-24-12

Sorry guys, there are times when I look at my horoscope and it does not relate to me what so ever, but than there are times that it is right on the money, this one is so right!
It reads Your perception of yourself will be colored by the reaction you see on the faces of others.That's why it will be important to seek like-minded peers.  How true this is, I know first hand what that feels like. I am the type of person that likes people to like me, like what I am about, like to be told I did good, like to see approval on other peoples faces.  Now the problem is there are a lot of haters out there!  I for some unknown reason in my lifetime have let them weasel into my life! You know what I mean the type of people that if you look nice, will try to say you don't, the type of people if you say green they say red, the type of people that even if they have way more than you and achieve more than you, just cannot bring themselves to route for the little guy!  Since I seem like I can never  get away from people like that, I decided to say to myself, no one, no way who ever they might be and what ever or who ever they think they are is not better than me!  I have taught myself to believe that, it took a while but it has worked for me!  There are a lot of people out there like me, but who has the time to waste trying to find them, I figure just believe in yourself, be who you are and know you are the best of the best and when the person who thinks he or she is better, laugh to yourself and say no one is better than me, absolutely no one!  It took me years to realize it, but my self esteem is now in full swing and when someone dictates to me like they know everything which believe me I know lots of those kinds of people, I turn around with a smile on my face and think what an ass hole they are and I am so much of a better person than you will ever be!  Works for me and remember just one more thing, every dog has there day and it will always come back to bite them in the ass. LOL

Monday, October 22, 2012

Super weekend!

Another good weekend to add to my last few weekends, just a little annoyance issue yesterday, but it is what it is!  Still good never the less!  Watch the Giants game, and we all know it was a nail biter but we prevailed with yet another victory 5-2. It would be awesome if we went to super bowl again!  I am feeling it, just like last year, I sure hope that feeling is right!  Robbie and my brother-in-law are in this football pool and whoever wins 6 games wins, they won all six games, which was great the problem is so did about 16 other people which makes $3000.00 goes to about $200.00 ea. so since they are partners they get about $100.00 ea. (lol) The joyous faces went a little sour on that note but a win is a win, better that than nothing at all!  I am really feeling this weather, love the crisp morning air and the beautiful day we are having today! Life is good and I hope you all agree it is great to be alive.  Love to all, talk to you later my friends!