Thursday, May 31, 2012

Rob's Prom Friday!!

Making all my check marks  Tuxedo, flowers, shoe's shine, hair cut, camera ready, limo, date, I think that's all folks. lol now for him to go have a good time and be safe.  The drinking is not an issue because he is not big on drinking, I know what your thinking, boy this women is stupid!  Guess what no, I'm not. Drinking is a big part of family get together and my son has all the options in the world to do so at these parties, but he does not! He will take a wine cooler maybe one or two and that's it. I am blessed, and I know it!  To all the prom kids and graduation kids, be safe have fun but always remember you have a long life ahead of you, think before you do is my motto.  I have told Robbie that for years and I truly believed he listen!!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Drinking and Driving!

My son calls me just a while ago and tells me, mom this women was in school and told us the story of her son getting killed while a passenger in a car!  A drunk driver hit into the back of the car he was in and some of the people in the car got out but he was trapped and 90% of his body was burned, he died that day! He was only 16yrs old at the time of the accident, I believe he said it happened in 1999. She proceeded in telling them that she wanted to see her son and told the class that his nose was burnt off and all his skin was burnt and his hand were gone and so much more.  He said she showed videos of him along with pictures and began to cry.  She goes around to schools and talks about what drinking and driving can do to people and their families.  I thank her very much, it was very obvious this affected my son the way it was meant to, there are times with young people that the only time they talk to adults is when they want money or they are in the mood to do so. He called me and said mom, I could not help but cry with her, he listen and listen hard! I thank this women so so much for continuing to tell her story of what happen to her son!  With each and every time she tells her story the pain is relived all over again for her!  I wish I could tell her that as a mom I thank her from the bottom of my heart! She is making a difference, I know because she did with my son!

Back to UCC !

That means back to the college with my son right after work today!  I told him once you retake test go to counselor and than the finance dept. and set everything up, well guess what he did not, I said why Rob he said lines were to long.  I want to strangle him because now I have to go with him to get it done!!  I love him to death but sometimes, just sometimes I would like to ring his neck. LOL  At least I could have a sense of humor about it, I figure if I didn't I would only be hurting myself in the long run!  It really would not be worth having a heart attack about it, next best thing is to just go along with the flow!!! Fax proof to College about check so the women is working on it! Once all is done, my life as I once knew will be back to normal!!  Wait a minute, what am I saying my life has never been normal!!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Short week!!

Thank you Lord!, but still have stress, why do I have stress, I will tell you why, the college my son is going to does not have the scholarship money from the person who issued it. the school did get it and cash it and claim they send it back,but it was cashed which means that they, send there own check back! Now it is a case of a missing check and a  back and forth game between school and the person who issued the scholarship and me the in between the both!!  Whew, that was a long sentence need to take a deep breath on that one, for sure. In the long run of things just a bunch of aggravation to get this mistake fixed.  Do I need this heck no! Problems just seem to find a way to my doorstep, that's for sure!!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

Today a day of rest and relaxation, yea, after stuffing my face all weekend and feeling like a blow fish , It will be great to just get back to my schedule eating pattern and start to deflate myself, LOL.  I really have had a nice weekend with family and friends, but it does feel good to be just sitting home and relax. Today in the state of  New Jersey it will be 90 degrees and this is where the problem is guess what, no air conditioners in as of yet except bedroom .Hopefully with luck the ceiling fan will be enough.!  So not ready to get those big electric bills, but it is coming!!! Happy Memorial Day all, you know what maybe I will go out a little and shop, what the heck I deserve it. right!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

So ready!

So ready for this 3 day weekend, like I am sure most of the universe is also!!  Sat and Sun. busy with parties and lots of running around, but Monday (Memorial Day) itself just and I mean just some good R&R for me. I just want to sleep and relax all day long with no drama or aggravation of any kind. To all my blogger buddies and people that check out my blog, have a great big wonderful, beautiful 3 day weekend, and remember no drama, calm is the word of the day!!!

All done!!

Went to register Robbie in UCC last night, he is now officially ready for the fall semester, I really cannot believe my little boy is now going to college. I love that kid big time.  We have our little fights, you know the mom, I know what I need to do, or mom, I know already, leave me alone I am not a baby mode.  How about mom I am 18 years old you know, but he never once said I will not listen and do not have to listen to you, not once. He really does have a good head on his shoulders and I am so damm proud of him!!! Will keep you informed of everything that is going on!  Even if you don't care!!! LOL

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Bowling Scholarship money!

I wanted to mention this because, one of the scholarships he received was from bowling! Since he was around 9 years old he has been bowling on a Saturday league each year!  From that he received $1020.00  to be applied to a college of his choice.  I am mentioning it because Robbie's earning were good but there is some kids who are getting a lot more than that!  I have seen children as young as 5 or 6 yrs of age bowling and by the time they are seniors in High School they have a very large scholarship fund ready for them!  Like I always say every bit helps and it is helping me!  In my area we have Jersey Lanes, a great children's league and great coaches with a lot of scholarship programs to benefit from!  I am sure if you look in your area you will also have one!  It truly is a good environment for kids!

I have moments! (quite a lot)

I have moments when, I really hate what I do, and than I have moments I love it all! Am I Bipolar? lol ney, moody not really, The only time I am at my worse is when I get home from work and walk in the house and that is when the venting me comes out! I think the problem is that I have to be to agreeable at my job when all I want to do is just be what I always am just plain old me!  Believe me I am not the only one like this, I was over a friends house and her daughter said mom when you walk in the house you yell like a crazy person. LOL There it was right in front of me, I thanked God I am not alone, Thank you  thank you, I am thinking to myself, now I know I am not Bipolar!  No medication for this girl. You know what, I decided to stop analyzing myself and  just go with the flow. You know what they say you cannot teach an old girl new tricks.  The funny part of this is when I am quiet and mellow, everyone thinks I am sick or not feeling well, go figure right I can't win if I tried!   I love my life and that is what matters most of all, happiness and being loved!


Robbie, was awarded 2 scholarships one for $500.00 and 1 for $1020.00 small but I will take it, anything and everything helps as far as I am concern.  Tonight we go to college and register him fully and get his schedule of classes for fast semester in fall!  I saw want him to enjoy his up and coming years in college and not give up!  It has been a long journey through the years of ups and downs but he prevailed and I am a proud mom today!  Very proud to know that he knows college is his future and a must for all the years ahead of him! 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Come on Lottery!

I am speaking to you, yea you, what are you waiting for, I am so ready for you to make my life complete!
I really did not think you would take this long, I have been longing for you all my life. Now that I am over (slightly over middle age) I need you now, so that when you come to me I could walk and enjoy your company. So please do not make me wait much longer I need you now, no more waiting!!!!!!!!  LOL

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Blog of the day!

I have to say I really do not have much to talk about , I could barley keep my eyes open to stay awake that is how bad I feel today! No I am not sick at all I think it is the weather that is making me feel like this day will never end and I need to find a bed to sleep day!  LOL It is now 12:11 in the afternoon here in good old New Jersey the garden state and believe me the gardens are being watered big time.  They say 2 more days of this, oh crap this is not good. I am dreaming of up and coming 3 day weekend! As they say fun fun fun is on my agenda!  No rain in forcast, what more could you ask for.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Rude people! Not good!

I hate rude people, especially when it is someone you know, it happen to me over weekend and it is so unbelievably rude especially when someone is doing you a favor! All I could say is thank you lord for me being me. I might be over the top, I might say things before I think, I might have issues behind close doors, but I never and I do mean never take or have attitude with people I know no matter what age or person it is! All I could say is it is so uncool to be that way and I am so glad I am the way I am!  Proud to be me for sure!!!  It really is in the genes thank you MOM!!!


Weekend was so beautiful in the great state of New Jersey, and than this, rain rain and more rain, they are saying till at least Thursday....  NOOOOOOOOOOOOO  not good, now I know it will be a long week at work and an aggravating week for sure!!!  Oh well whats a women to do, chins up  and bare it!!!  We are durable for sure!!!  LOL

Thursday, May 17, 2012

To funny!!!

Someone from my past requested me as a Facebook friend his name is Mark, I write back and say so glad to hear from you Mike, forgetting that when we were younger I always called him Mike not Mark, needless to say he refreshed my memory on that issue. I really need to remember his real name Mark, Mark , Mark LOL.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Why on earth!

Do I ever get involved in stocks is beyond me. Grant you it is not a lot of money but enough that when the market goes down so does $500.00 of my hard earn cash.  I let my husband talk me into it, and I should not be surprise I would be feeling like I do right about now!.  His track record for stock investments is not good at all.  Have to get it out, but when is the question.

Aunt Connie!

Today is my Aunt Connie's and Aunt Dolores's birthdays, they are twins, but sadly my Aunt Connie passed away a short time ago, the memories I have with these two woman are such a big part of my life. They both hold a piece of it and always will. Aunt Connie, I miss you each and every day!  I did not have to see you everyday to know that if I needed you, you would be there for me.  I miss that a lot, you are part of my heart always.  Aunt Dolores, what could I say, strong beautiful and a good human being!  This is a ruff day for you and I know you loved your sister immensely! I take comfort in knowing she is in heaven with people that love her so much, when her time came they were waiting for her at those pearly gates with open arms! Love you both, and all the memories of my growing up years, you two are such a big part of it!  XXOO

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dreary day!

My blogging material and thoughts are not good today at all,  all I want to do is go home and climb in bed and sleep!  It is such a dreary day in good old New Jersey. If the weatherman says we are still in a drought I think I will throw something at the TV screen!  LOL. Only kidding no way will I break my TV way to much money for that. We are for sure making up for the month with no rain that's for sure!  I always thought April showers bring May flowers, so what does May flowers bring June burn them up and need to be water all the time or they die from heat month!!  I am in rear form for sure, but know I am acting stupid because, I don't know I want to. LOL See ya later folks!!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Hate Mondays!

I really am beginning to hate Mondays more and more with each coming week! I just need to sit in a chair with a nice cup of coffee and breath the fresh air and enjoy life!  I just want to enjoy life without the everyday stress of work.  I am not a sit down, lazy person that does not want to work, but I want to do something I enjoy doing! Life is not a bed of roses and I am not that naive that it is, but there has to be a better way than this. There is no sense in complaining I know that and I am very happy I have a job that I truly enjoy but we all know there is always a but or a what if.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sunday night!

Had a wonderful weekend, was the best in a very long time! I am now ready for Robbie's graduation party in June , backyard is done, and Mom's Day was great spend time with family I love and that is all that matters to me!  My son gave me a dozen roses, box of candy and a beautiful card, but what really made my day great is seeing the joy on his face when he presented me the gifts it was priceless indeed.!   I am completely happy right now!  Goodnight my friends!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Boerd right now and missing my mom!

I already went grocery shopping, and took care of dogs , now what? I cannot believe I did some things I always do on weekend. Tomorrow I will be in the back yard weeding and cleaning lawn furniture , concrete .
Also need to put 3 large canopy's up. I love when I do productive things, really makes my day.  My sister is coming over for some hamburgers and hot dogs later in the afternoon. By that time should be dead on my feet!  We are taking my Mother-in-law out to breakfast on  Mothers Day. She enjoys the breakfast part of going out the  most, at least that is what she told me. It does not take much to please her, she is really a very good person and I am very fortunate to have her as a mother-in-law. My mom passed away when my son Robbie was 18 months old he will be 19 years old in June.  I miss her and she will always be in my heart!  Happy Mom's Day mom, until we meet again than I will lay my head on your lap and you would rub my head like you did when I was a child!!!  One day mom one day! I love and miss you so.  Hugs and kisses always!

Mothers Day!

What an idiot I am, I forgot to wish everyone who is a mom or going to be a mom or who have dogs cats and pets at all, a great big wonderful and joyfull Mother Day!! XXOO

So happy it is Friday!

Wait don't I say the same thing every week, like almost everyone in the world. lol Oh well I might as well join the club, nothing else better to do!!  Like I said I am waiting for the Lottery win, wait a minute so is everyone else in the world. LOL  I am in one of those moods today to just laugh and smile, thank God for everyone around me, because yesterday was a bad bad day!  The smile in my picture is the way I feel today, and with a pretty nice weekend in the forecast it should be really nice.. Please God let me stay happy all day I beg you!!!!!   You know what it is up to me not God and I promise myself nothing and no one will get me to that point today so help me God!!  See I still need God no matter what!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

9:20 pm Thursday night!

Hi to all, Just watch the American Idol and no surprise Holly is gone!  I really liked her, but she will be fine and I am sure you will hear of her again!  Just felt like writing a little even if I really do not have much to say!   You heard me not much to say lol, that's a surprise for sure!!  You know what I bought glasses with a prescription and I am still having a ruff time typing from my keyboard and seeing the screen. They are pretty much for reading but I guess I have to be closer to the screen to see clearly, go figure.  Went to wake last night My husbands Uncle passed away, such a nice man he was!  It really excuse the language sucks to get old!. You  are young and than before you know you are old!  Growing up I always had respect for older people, knowing that when my time comes I want the same respect given to me!  My son Robbie said mom I have to work on Sunday and there are a lot of  cranky old women that work that day. I said  who told you that, he said one of the other kids.  I said Robbie, You have a grandmother that gets cranky and you understand that, the person that told you that is a kid that can not related to older people and you on the other hand do!  Respect and appreciate them, because in the future you will want the same thing!!  I think he gets it now!  Oh well  have a great day or night where ever you may be!  For me it is night and I am going to jump in bed for another day of work and hopefully a calm day!!!

Brian Birthday is almost here!

Brian's recovery from near death is a miracle, I truly believe, and now his birthday is on its way, and when he should be getting gifts, the biggest gift of all is having him here with all that love him!  Happy Birthday Brian and may God continue to bless you on a speedy and full recovery!!  Thank you for the gift of you!!  XXOO  XXOO   XXOO

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

One puppy left!

I have one Shih Tzu puppie left, a male and a cutie...  They are all ready to leave in 2 to 3 weeks... They are AKC litter certified and I get the first round of puppie shots!  If interested call Fran at 732-381-3170 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

In a world full of Negative people

And than there is me, not a negative bone in this body, at least not at the beginning of whatever I feel I could do. The negativity comes later with the people around me telling me, I am wasting my time or money. Than guess what happens I believe them like a complete idiot and give up the thought or Idea!  Now mine you, once, twice, you start thinking to yourself, that those types of people are afraid of there own shadow never mine taking chances on something they might want to do or change in their own life.  So, I learned that if I have a dream, keep it to myself because most of the time it will turn into a nightmare when you listen to to many people.


It is going to be the type of day that all you say is Okayyyyyyyyyyy! but not in a good way, if you know what I mean. I did not get a good night sleep, all I did was dream numbers in my head and it woke me up with worries of days to follow!  I know you do not know what I mean, and having a blog I wish I could tell you all everything, but some things have to be said in a round about way, as not to get yourself in to much trouble. It really is not anyone's business but it is a part of my life that I wish was just plain over with, with that being said end of story!

Monday, May 7, 2012

See that Smile!

On the face of my blog, I truly am trying to keep that smile but it is harder each and every day! I have no Idea how we will get threw this economy crisis, but I pray a miracle happens soon.  The struggles are endless and I wish it goes back to the way it was! I am sure it is everywhere, and we are not in this alone. I have to believe there will be a silver lining  at the end of all this! 

Productive weekend!

If I say so myself,  I did get a lot of things done around the house planted plants clean more of the backyard, it does not take much to make me happy, I love when I get things done that need to be done.  I do have to get to Kesslers to see Brian,  he is in my thoughts all the time and I need to make a point to get there, my plan was to go on Tuesday, but now we have a funeral to go to for my husbands Uncle. One thing after another it seems. But I will get there to see him this week, no matter what!.  I am hearing he is improving slowly but is consistent, that is all that matters.....

Saturday, May 5, 2012

My Stats!!!

I know you do not have a clue what I am talking about, My stats on my blog, I was looking at them , the map part and my areas on the map are getting greener. The greener they get the more people are reading my blog, so excited that people even give a crap what I am blogging about. LOL But I thank you all who take the time to read it!  Like I always say, the blog is turning out to be a great tool to stay sane in a world full of insane people. Now if only the rain stops a little so I could get some backyard work done, that will really make my day!!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Weekend is upon us!

And if weather allows I will be getting things done for my son's Graduation/birthday party on June 16th in the backyard of my home. Want to do my large planters in yard and get some flowers around I also have 3 large canopy they need to go up! If rain does come I will work on the inside instead. Love when things work out and everything goes as plan, not like the Drama of yesterday when you think you need to spend a lot of money you do not have.  Life is good and I love all around me.  Well if you ask my husband that yesterday, I do not think he would have agreed with me on that one. LOL Oh well ,today is another day right, and I am a women after all, and what do women do best, go from one extreme to another  or one mood to another. I  just love being a women!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Waiting for my son!

I know, he is 18 year old and I should cut the shoe strings, Maybe but as long as he lets me I will be the mom,he has always listen to. Now let me get this straight Robbie is not a mommies boy by far, but he does respect the fact that I worry about him and chooses to respect that fact.  He went out with a friend last summer and I wanted him home by 11pm, 12:00 the latest,  his friend says you know Robbie you are 18yrs old and can do what you want, he says he knows  that but he chooses to do what we ask. As a mom what else can a mom ask for!  With that being said  we know we raised our son the right way but more importantly Robbie will make his own chooses and from what I see it will always be the right ones! 

Guess what!!!

I'm so happy, my husband called and the transmission problem was minor to say the least! Yes, yes thank you God $2000.00 went down to $50.00 bucks, just something to do with the pressure and some wire that had to be replace. You know what, whatever reason it is who cares, I just want to sing from the highest mountain top like Julie Andrews in the sound of music!  LOL Now that makes my day, what more can I say work day is almost done and going home, next stop groomer for my dog Bella.  You know sometimes there is a silver lining waiting around the next corner. I feel like I just won the lottery, If I knew how to get the smiley face jigamagic on this blog I would.

Called my Husband!

Okay, I called the husband and still waiting for the answer about the transmission I hope we don't need. The reason I am saying that is because.  Yesterday when my husband went to the mechanic and he said you should get your transmission fluid change which he did and if it still is not working right than there might me a possibility you need to get a transmission, well I would think give it at least a good 2 weeks to let the transmission oil run though the engine, right or wrong, well not my husband no not Bob 2 times around the block and it still is not working right! LOL So he brought it last night and was waiting word on whats up with it!  Did I tell you before to just shoot me!  Please put me out of my misery!!!  LOL  Thank God is all I could say to laugh at all types of situations. Even if I am going broke as we speak!!!

Still not in a good mood!

I am trying to snap out of it to no avail.  I think knowing a possibility of having to spend $2000.00 is making me sick to my stomach.  To top it off my hubby says from now on we have to keep and hold on to all receipts of charge card invoices. He always does that when, he feels he is loosing control of what is being spent. The problem is he sits on the couch and buys everything in site like pots and pans, I do not need and containers to hold leftovers, I do not need and what ever takes his fancy on HSN or QVC.  Oh I forgot is a new favorite of his. LOL After all is said and done he continues to blame me for buying things. I am the one yelling all the time to stop buying things we do not need.  He insisted on buying a camera because he liked this one.  I think it is our 3rd one. Can you tell me something how many camera's do we need. LOL  Oh one more thing, the new camera we bought about 6 months ago is still sitting there because it is not as easy to use and the host on Qvc was doing!   Shoot me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I told you I like my blog to vent!  Who wants to listen to this one on one!


My husband bought a truck from a person he works with, its a nice truck Dakota pickup , 2001 for a good price. Of course now wouldn't you know everything and anything is going wrong, 2- brake line broke, one broke with me driving and yesterday it broke with my husband driving and the mechanic said the other lines are all rusted, and need to be replaced.  Then my husband decided to get the transmission oil changed and now he says the transmission is not right.  Now if you know me which you all do not, there is smoke coming out of my head. LOL I am laughing now because I am in shock and like to kill him for buying it!  I was not sure about getting it just for this reason, used cars for maybe other people are okay, but with my luck it is never good.  I learn from my mistakes, but my husband never does.  So needless to say this is not a good price any longer!  Not happy at all!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I love my Blog!

If you ask me why, it is always  there when I want to vent, talk or express my thoughts, no matter how important it is or even how stupid I want to be at the time I am writing!  It never answers me back unless I want it and it always makes me feel good to know it will be there for me anytime or even anywhere I go.  I don't know about you but there are time I have nothing to say and than there are times I just keep typing and typing, but always by the time I get done writing what I feel, I really do feel 100% better.  I have no Idea why people pay for scrinks or you know the other word for that doctor, I know the word but I tried to type it 3 times , word spell could not even figure it out, that's how much I killed the spelling  LOL. I am in the US of A and right now it is 11:57 am and at 4:30pm I am outta of here and looking forward to relaxing tonight with a good cup of coffee, decaf for sure otherwise I will be up all night with numbers flying around in my head nonstop!.  And just so you know I will be watching American Idol!!!  Love always being a kid at heart, you only live once! See Ya later!!

Blah day today!

Another rainy day today in New Jersey, the only difference is today I am in a blah mood, not sure its the weather or having a menopausal minute, but whatever it is I would love to snap out of it soon!  Went on face book today and had a message sent to me that I deleted someone, which I did but only because they deleted me.  Its a long story and really not all that exciting but in the end I realized that face book could cause a lot of drama needlessly.  When I got deleted I was insulted, I am a grown women and I really felt like a child at that point!  I started thinking, which for me is quite unusual and dangerous (just ask people who know me)  they all say Fran don't think please just stand there. LOL well getting back to the issue on hand, more drama I do not need so can you tell me why am I on it. I hate when I feel like a school girl at my age and all the drama of not being the popular when just hits me in the face again!  Well at least now I could just hit the button and click it off. I wish it was that easy if only my brain would let me do the same!!!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Rainy Day!

Rainy day here in good old New Jersey, not complaining mine you we really do need it and my lawn is looking really good! The greenest I have seen it in a long time!  Quite at work tho and we all know that makes for a long and not so exciting day.  But really not much exciting thing go on in my life anyway, no drama to talk about right now, and that is a good thing.  Some fun things are coming up, the enjoyment of watching my son go to his prom and watching him Graduate High School , makes for a very proud  mom and dad.  Boy the years are flying by and now that Robbie is doing a lot of his own things, is good and makes for me to explore things I want to do and experience.  I have to say I am very fortunate that our only child is so family oriented and as a parent I could not be prouder.  We always reminded him that family is important and I have come to realize that he was listening to what we said!  Makes me so so proud of him!