Friday, September 28, 2012

Oh well!

I just checked my lottery tickets, I wanted to be able to say I won  , but of course, notta.  Now I have to think of what I want to say, for the last week, writers block still continues, and my enthusiasm is pretty much on a down hill spiral kinda of thing! My not so exciting blog is just that, not so exciting, what could I say every day is the same old, same old!  I know someone out there has to be going through the same thing I am, please God it can not be only me!  This weekend, let me think how busy is my schedule, oh right not busy at all! LOL  Next weekend we are all going to Delaware to watch my cousins son play football, before game we are having a tailgate party which should be fun, lots of great food, which of course I will not be able to eat a lot of because I have a Lap Band.  If you do not know what it is, its a band that wraps around your stomach so you eat only little portions of food. Food use to be my everything, that's why of course,I was fat. If I was bored food was my best friend and I was so dependent on it to make me feel good!  Well not always good because when I looked into the mirror I was by far not a happy women!  Now with 60lbs lighter and still trying to lose more I feel great but at times I still miss my best friend (food) who knows maybe that's why I am confused. Only kidding, I am so used to it now that food is not # 1 in my life anymore and new things have replaced it!  The problem with me is I get bored so easy with things, I just need that one thing that pops and I will fly with it!  I just hope I don't die before I find it!  LOL 

Dreary day!

It is a really rainy dreary Friday here in the state of New Jersey, but you know what, so what its Friday and oh so happy!  I love weekends because, I could be my own boss and do not have to answer to anyone!  There are no questions ask, and I could be just plain old me, which I happen to like, when I am not a raving manic that is.   All the stress of the work place has been coming home to my personal life way to much!  What to do about it is always the question I ask myself, and there never is an answer or a solution!  I love what I do, but sometimes it just gets to me. I find in life that there is never no easy ways of getting around things, that is why I am the way I am.  A strong minded women, with loads of opinions, maybe not  all good ones, but not afraid to voice my feelings no matter what!  Over the top sometimes, it depends on what type of person you are talking to, I might hear that from a person that when talking to,they are as stiff as a cardboard or a whole lot worse!  I learned from experience, and I ask myself would I want to be that type of person and my answer is always HELL NO!  LOL My promise to myself is to leave the stress at the workplace and treat my family with the love and respect they deserve, because when push comes to shove that's the only thing that matters!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Whats to say!

I am having writers block big time today, not in mood for much of anything. Thoughts are running in my head like,  you made your bed now you have to sleep in it, What have I gotten myself into, day in and day out, same shit different day, there has to be something better than this, kinda of mood day!  I don't know about you but I am having these kinds of days more and more often, than I care to think about!  I am not the type of person to feel sorry for myself, but for some stupid ass reason I am, so not me. I have a great kid, a marriage that is going on 30years this Oct 9th and a lot of great and fun things coming up in my life to looking forward to with family and friends!  But today, right at this moment I am feeling restless, and confuse about certain things and just plain out sick of thinking period.  I cannot wait to retire and move down the shore and begin anew, take walks on the beach on a cool brisk day look out at the ocean while the birds fly south, with the wind on my face and the sky blue as can be and just breath! 

Monday, September 24, 2012

The first college year!

I have always thought that a child should experience college years away from home!  For kids it is the in thing to do of course, leave the nest and fly and be independent!  The money aspect is really not a factor in their eyes for most of them, it is usually more so for the parents! My son Rob is going to a county college to get his associates degree than transfer to another college to get his Bachelors.  I have to tell you, I like that he is close to home right out of high school.  I really think (in my opinion not all kids are the same). it feels good to know and see any signs of being visibly stress from the pressures that you get in college more so than in high school. College whether it be a big University college or a local county college still has all the same pressures of work that needs to be done! Math for my son is not easy, his first test he thinks, he did not do well on it. He said to me that mom you know what the problem is, they do not allow you to use a calculator when taking a test in college like in high school!
Now I need to ask why do they let you use a calculator in high school in the first place, it makes everything so easy and takes away from the learning process in the first place. I know this sound crazy but think about this, the schools in New Jersey change clocks from the older types with the arms to digital types, so when a child looks at the time if it is 9:15 it reads 9:15  with the arm clock you have to use your brain a little more to read it!  I use to say to my son it is a quarter after 9, he did not know what that meant, I had to say 9:15, really are you kidding me, why did they change the clocks in the first place?  Now that I vented about all that, I have to get back to the issue of local vs. away!  Stress as we all know does crazy things to a persons mine, there are strong minded people and weaker minded people!  Rob, is strong minded where he knows he has a problem with the math and decided to go to tutoring the college offers for extra help!  I did not have to tell him he just knows, but if he was different and didn't get the help he needs he might have felt like a failure like a lot of kids might feel like.  Being a parent who visibly is looking and seeing any signs of problems will know what I am saying.  I have read stories of  kids who have had to much stress and they felt like a failure to their family to bother them with it all, and the outcome sometimes does not turn out very well! For myself I am very glad to see the signs of any sort and I am glad that he reaches out to us and we could physically be there for him at any time of need that he might have.  The county college works for us and it is turning out to be a very good choice with no regrets at all! As I write this my son text me to tell me he did not do great but at least he passed with a 76, you know what I said that was great!  I love that he communicates with us and we are there to give him the encouragement he needs!

Brand name Items!

Okay here it goes, every time I go shopping, like everyone else I look for bargains. When I go with husband and the son tags along I spend loads more money!  If I crab something and its not a brand name they flip out. I try to tell my son, (husband is pretty much a lost cause already and a waste of time and he is making our son a clone of him) that a lot of the time you are paying for the name more than anything else.  Of course it is all a waste of breath, so I decided to take matters into my own hands.  My son loves A-1 steak so (its the best and that is all there is to it, so he says). Really, I don't think so. When the sauce ran out I purchased America's Choice sold in Pathmark sitting right next to A-1. I put America's Choice steak sauce in A-1 steak sauce bottle and my son has not said one word about it not tasting right at all. He has eaten at least 3 steaks since and not one word of negativity has been made out of his mouth!  I also did it with honey  he has to have Golden Blossom not anything else so you know what I did and again not a word, the only problem with honey it could be pretty messy and sticky and not worth the hassle in the long run.  And even though husband is a lost cause he has come to realize that he likes the Americas Choice chicken breast better than Perdue so go figure that out!  Saving $2 to $3 per item is a big thing to me especially if I am just paying for a name! It really is all in the head! LOL

Friday, September 21, 2012

Last day of summer!

It comes and goes so quick, time to put the Lawn furniture away and get everything ready for the coming months! Holidays with friends and family and everything in between make me miss all my love ones who are gone even more. They are in my heart always, that will never go away!  Its a time to reflect on the past and a time to look to the future! Its a time to sit in front of a crackling fire place with a big wool blanket and a hot cup of cocoa with marshmallows of course (can't forget them) close your eyes and thank God for everything and everyone he blessed you with in your journey of life! When you feel low like I do sometimes, I always reflect on my passed and a smile is back on my face or a tear ( but in a good way) when I remember my Grandfather saying to me, come on Francine here's money for an Ice Cream cone and than we would sit on lawn chairs in front of the house watching the passersby go by.  Great and wonderful moments in my life, never to be forgotten! I have all of those memories with a lot of new ones and even more new ones to come!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Horoscope update (Aries) 9/20/2012

I like this one and it is so true! It reads: Even though you hope for the fortunes to favor you,you realize that the most worthwhile things in your life will not happen by chance!  Believe me when I say this is so true, I came down from the clouds a few days ago and realized that I have to make my own destiny and not wait for and hope for dreams that would and could not happen!  Now, I am not saying the I give up on the whole positive thinking thing, I really do feel if you want something to happen bad enough it will, but I also know that while you are waiting you have to proceed with said plan and make it happen for yourself!  So I will forge along and make my dreams come true until good fortune blesses me with any joys it wants to bestow upon me and mine!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Hey all!

I know, have not been writing as much as usual, reason being absolutely nothing of interest to say! I am beyond bored to death, and still trying to get things rolling with my Notary business! My son went to his first acting class last night and enjoyed it!  The teacher is thinking of doing one on one with him because he has his acting role coming up, so we have to discuss it!  As always or if not a lot more than usual, I am experiencing restlessness. For the life of me I can not describe this feeling of take me away Calgon!  I do not mean away from my life and family, not at all, if you ask me I must being going through my changes (which I thought I been there and done that type of thing). This feeling will pass, it always does and than the mine springs back to life with all my hair brained ideas.  I could tell you one thing today is a beautiful day, now to just work on this mood thing and all will be good to go!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How cool is this!

My blog is reaching so many, and of course me being me needs to tell you!  United States 27%  Australia 5% , Taiwan 4%, Canada 4% , Turkey 3%, United Kingtom 3% and last but by far not least China  54%   Thanks to all for caring about my Not so exciting life maybe a little blog!  When I decided to write my everyday life, I figured it would give me something to do, never thinking that anyone would really care about me at all! Of course the one thing anyone should do is assume anything at all!  When I assume things it means I get myself into trouble or I am pretty much dead wrong!  In this case I was dead wrong about all of you guys and I thank you!  The antics of this middle-age Italian women from New Jersey who gets stressed from almost everything around her, but truly loves life even with all the complaints, which half the time is her own making ( well at least that is what her husband says) bull crap for sure,  has reached a lot of you to my surprise and joy!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!  I promise to continue to just be me and hopefully I will not bore you to death! LOL

Rainy day and ?

I pretty much curse, I do try to control it, but today, it seems the only thing in my thoughts is Bleep, Bleep, awe screw it ass hole is the word!  I can not seem to get it off my mine.  To tell you the truth I really do not want to!  It is very significant to this day and the way I feel! Its raining and attitudes are flying and feelings are running amok, so I find it very appropriate for the day! I left my blog for a good hour to do quality work, which I have told you I love to do makes the day go by faster and you feel like you accomplished something.  But I still have that saying on my mine, and cannot seem to loose it!  How many times can a person say it!  Today seems to be a record breaker for me!  LOL. Do I mean it out of disrespect, no it is just a way to vent, maybe not the right way but today it is my way!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Old and restless!

LOL wish I could say young and restless, but it is what it is!!  Feeling big time like help me, I need something new mood!  Makes for a ruff day when you feel like that!  Good thing is it is almost 11:00 and soon I could eat my lunch and fill my face with my chili and cheese lunch! Protein at its finniest!
It is quite today, which makes for a long day, I need phones ringing off of the  hooks, people coming in non stop and just plain old excitement in my bones! Hate feeling this way, and I know it will pass, but getting really tire of it in the long scheme of things.  I think the feeling really is I want to feel usefull not useless, does that make sense to you!  

Start of a new week!

New rules will be and I state: I will have positive thoughts, no cares for other peoples attitudes or faults, their problems not mine. Worry about my state of mine and my health first and foremost! All that matters is the people I love which is a lesson I have learn from other peoples actions! Depend on myself and do not count on others to help!  Learned there is good in people but a lot more bad in people! Learned to give others chances to be the person you thought they were, learned the hard way, you can only give so many chances and in the end they are a lost cost and not worth the energy or the time!  Learned that there are a lot of haters in the world that wish you to your face lots of luck and behind your back stab the crap outta of you!
Did it take years of my life to learn these lesson, yes it did! Do I believe this , yes I do!  Do I want to go through the rest of my life with that feeling, no I don't, do I have a choice in the matter, no not really!  Do I ever think people will change, no I don't. Do I think I am perfect, not by a long shot, but I do know I purposely do not set out to hurt others, and make them feel useless and alone!  End of story!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Pathmark shooting in Oldbridge NJ

I always wonder as I am sure you all do, of what makes a person go over the edge and hurt innocent people!  Detail of the Pathmark shootings are coming out of how and what the people in the store were hearing and seeing!  You never think this could happen to you, you mine your own business you go to work and it is just another day, not ever thinking it could be your last! My son works in Shoprite, and you wonder of all the what ifs and the maybes that this would happen there! Who would have thought, in a movie theatre or a grocery store you would take you last breath on earth there!  What are the signs, what could have change the outcome of what happen to all those beautiful people.  The sad part is it happens, we feel for the families, our life's stay the same and they feel the lost the rest of their life's!  Time goes by days and years and people forget until it happens again!  They say to look for signs of mental illness, people saw signs a problem in the person who killed all those people in the theatre shootings but no one listened to them!  In the Pathmark case people have said he never got over his mom's death, is that a sign that he would kill people!  It is almost impossible to pinpoint something like this to be prevented!  I wish there was a way, but in all honesty, facts are you will never know from one day to the next if and when it could happen again to anyone of us! I now make sure when I see my son walk out the door to say I love you Rob, be safe, its pretty much a must for me to do that!  I taught him to lock the doors at home, I taught him to lock his doors at night when driving to work, I told him to put his seat belt on in car, I told him to never talk to strangers when he was young, but how do you tell them that you will have to watch out for a derange person at a movie theatre or a depress person who you worked with at a grocery store. How do you tell a child that?

Just say it!

Okay here it goes, politics is not my thing, I am a housewife, working women, and mom!  I add my little bit of earnings each and every week to put food on the table and some extra needed enjoyment for the family. I vote because its the right thing to do, do I believe what they say is always true, heck no!  Do you?  Promises are cheap to say and hard to keep, whether it be from a  Democrat or Republican.  I believe no one, at this point of the game and what month is it Sept.  November is right around the corner and I am very confused on it all!  Do I like Obama care, yes I think I do, I like that all people will have Insurance!  Am I partial to it yes I think I am, why do you ask because I have a 19year old son who will stay on my Insurance till he is 26 years old and I do not have to worry about him not having insurance. Is that selfish of me, no I think not!  Do I think anyone really cares about my opinion, I think they don't. Do I care if they care about my opinion the answer is heck no!  So as you could see, we all voice our opinions and ideas and thoughts, we all talk in circles, we all think we know everything, and we all think we are right!  Now do you really think that will change anytime soon, Hell no! Do you really think anyone cares, as fast as something is given to you is as fast as it is taken away!  Do I know what I am saying, no not really, like most people who talk about politics very seldom do? Do I care what you think because I said it, heck no! Whats the phrase (freedom of speech). What I care about right now, is making ends meat, while the Democrats and Republicans go at each other with loads and loads of bull crap to get people like us to vote for them!  Than we vote, and we get a winner, than we wait, and wait, and than we are back to the same place we left, the four years pryor blaming the other party for not being able to get out of the hole we are in and we need more time! Okay how much time do you need?   Does it ever end, HELL NO!!!!!!

Mums (plants)

Tis the time of season to go look for mums and get ready for fall.   The place where I always go to buy them decided to close their doors and homes are being built!  Bummer for sure!  Now I have to find a
place that sells huge ones.  Tomorrow me and the hubby will begin our journey for the perfect ones. LOL  The past few days my mood was so so, meaning not good!  I very seldom wake up on the wrong side of the bed but I must of fell flat on my face off the bed and popped up to continue the days in rear form.   Now today however, I am getting my personality back which is a good thing for my family LOL. Do you ever wonder what makes a person get in a mood so bad, which is really not in their character at all!   I do, all the time, I should go see someone and talk about what bothers me and maybe they could find out what is the stem of the problem.  I have a feeling I know what it is so that is why I pretty much do not bother wasting time on the situation. I have two choices deal with it or move on.  What do you recommend?   I know you can not answer, mainly because you do not know the problem which I cannot say!  Don't you just love people who talk in circles!  That should be my middle name, I am getting pretty damm good at it!  Later all, weekend is upon us, and let the happy mode begin!  Mums here I come!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Totally You!

That's the way you have to think sometimes, you have to make time just for yourself, so you do not disappear into the wide yonders of the hemisphere.  I decided to take control of my own destiny and get things done my way!  I need something new and I plan on getting it!  Everything I needed to get started is in motion, now it is a waiting game of getting the calls and to go see my first client!  The first of everything is always the hardest than it all becomes easier as you move along! Whether it is totally me or totally you, no matter your age, it is all up to you to begin anew!  Think now, think future, think I can do it! I have finally said this is my time and I want to expand my horizons and to make changes and try new things. This time I am finally listening to my heart and not thinking of the what ifs any more!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lazy sort of day!

Having a lazy sort of day, work is quite and in office by myself, phone is not ringing and about to go bonkers from a bored syndrome. I know, I am one sick person, who wouldn't love this type of day, but the day drags on forever and I want phones ringing, people talking, excitement and usefulness going on! Today is for sure not that type of day!  I have finally gotten my name out there for Notary signing on Mortgages. I plan on doing that after my full time job to earn extra Income.  Have to go to staples to get paper and files pens and extra Ink.   Some packets for mortgage documents could be any where from 80 to  150 pages long , two sets have to be made all the time one set for client and one for mortgage company!  I am nervous for sure, I think I mentioned that I have gotten called quite a few times but mentally I was not prepared to do it.  My husband seems to always make me see the long picture of things.  I have sold Avon for 19 years and I never made money, because I always just bought from them and my commission money would go right back to them. My husband finally made me see the light about 6 yrs ago and  I finally saw the money from it, it gives me no kidding at least $5000.00 or more extra income a year added to what I make already. If I applied myself more I could make more money from it! As of now to many things going on but I am happy with what I am making.  He now is telling me to get my notary moving and in a couple of years my name will be established for the work I have done and I could be my own boss on how much I want to make and earn per year!  So with all that said staples on weekend, dress clothes ready for the calls and me a nervous wreck until I finish my first call and after a few of them, I will wonder to myself why I sweated it in the first place.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

No Complaints (yet)

I am a proud mom, Rob is 2 weeks into college and no complaints, he gets up, is doing his studies and showing me he really is into it!   It just goes to show that if you want it bad enough you will do it!  I am so glad he does not take after me in that respect, I always pooped out and never finish what I start!  Which leads me into another saying LOL  You get what you put into it!  Oh boy, that's not right but you all know what I am saying LOL.  I know deep down that Rob will finish what he starts and I thank God he was listening when we spoke, it feels good to know it was not going in one ear and out the other!  Acting classes start next Tuesdays, and he is going to work and loves making the money.  He opened his IRA and is putting $20.00 a week into it for now. Its a start and for him to want to do it makes it even more special!  He is looking toward the future.  The movie starts filming Sept. 29th, but Robs scenes start Jan. which to me is a good thing gives him more acting classes under his belt, so to speak! From Jan. on he will be filming the movie, school, work and acting classes with lots of studing to do! That is when I will worry the most.  But I have said it once and I will say it again things always happen for a reason, who knows why or for what reason but it still happens just the same! We never have control completely of our own destiny, but we do have a little helping hand in it!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Long Monday!

Today, is going by so slow, can not wait till 4:30 and do what I need to get done at home!  Having a very restless type of day, if you know what I mean! Like my mine is jumping all over the place and I have no Idea why!  Phones are quite, at office, that drives me crazy the most!  I need to stay busy or I feel like the walls are closing in on me, not a good feeling at all!  I would love to be able to come and go as I would like, but we all know you need to be your own boss to do that. LOL  Dreams, keep dreaming Fran, sometimes dreams come true, especially if you dream enough! I will hold that thought my friends, not giving that one up just yet!

Fall is in the air!

Love , love, love it , did I tell you I loved it, LOL  Fall is almost here, I love the colors the smells the fresh crisp air the holidays the everything about it! I do hate raking leaves and the clean up, but a person cannot have everything!  Best time of year in my book!  Had a very nice weekend, sharing it with family and friends!  Finishing it off was watching Peyton Manning do his stuff!  He's backkkkkkkkkkkk!!!  LOL
So glad he is back to resume his career, and continue to be the great Quarterback we all know he is!  Whether your a fan or not, you always have to respect one of the best!  He proved it last night! He got it done.  Football season is here fall is in the air and Holidays coming with friends and family, Health is good, what else can a person ask for!  Let me think, oh yea to hit the lottery!  LOL!

Friday, September 7, 2012

A sigh of relief!

Again certain things have to be left unsaid as I have said a number of times, but I just want you to know that I was the bearing of good news for once, it has made my weekend complete!  It feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and what a great feeling that is!  I now can sleep better at night knowing all will turn out better in the long scheme of things!  I love when things start running smoothly and with no drama!  I have always said and always will believe that things always turn out for the best, in my life I have been fortunate in that respect that it pretty much always has!  I thank god each and every day!  I have hoped and prayed that things would start to turn around and my prayers have been answered! Its turning out to be a new day of hope and smiles for me!

MTV Awards!

Hello, my friends, you are never to old for an award show, even  MTV Awards!  I have watch award shows since I was a kid, quite a few years ago lol.  Love them, just because of all the fashion and beautiful people there.  Love to see what all the women are wearing, right down to shoes ,hair and purses!  The show itself was a little disappointing to me this year but I did love the host, he was very funny and entertaining!  No shows, were, Justin Bieber, Beyonce, JayZ, and lots more were not there! One Direction the kids love, but from looking at Katie Perry and Rhianna, they looked like I felt about them (just alright) LOL. Once award shows start only death will pull me away!  Whats that saying you can't teach an old dog new tricks, well that goes for me no matter my age! I remember years ago, I was looking at an award show when the Exxon refinery lighted up the whole sky from a blast!  While my family was outside looking at all of everything going on outside!  You were not going to pull me away from the TV screen short of death!  I love the memories that come back to me time to time from writing my blog, I haven't thought about that in years!  I saw love this blog, and I love all of you guys too! 

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Okay, here it goes, I became a Notary about a year ago, I have done a few signings, simple things, for my boss and for a few other people, not many. I also can do closings on a lot of different types of loans!  I have gotten called numerous times to do closings on mortgages and I always make up an excuse I have another appointment!  We had a closing done and a Notary came to our house and it took him all of around 20 min. to do and simple as anything!  He was such a nice person and told me how to go about doing it, so I did!  The problem is I am scared, does that make sense to you!  Very nervous about it, I do not have a clue why!  I am a people person, that I know but the first of anything for me, always makes me have cold sweats.  I know that once I start, I would be great at it, I guess its just the unknown of it all, that scares me to death!  It is such a great way to earn extra Income and my husband tells me to build it up now this way when I retire my name will be out there and I could do it anywhere or time of the day!  You know he is so damm right, so I decided its time to get it all together and make sure I have everything I need to move this along, and have a career to fall back on!  Now is the time!!!

Horoscope Update (Aries) 8/6/12

It reads: It's been a while since you were this objective about your own life.When you really think about it you rather like where you've landed.  That's so funny if you look at my other blog that is pretty much what I said and how I feel!  All the complaints are just that ,complaining on things that get on ones nerves but could be fixable.  I am right where I should be, and each and every day I realize it.  God gives you your life and you have to make it your own.  Now let me tell you, I will keep dreaming of more and hopefully we will be blessed!  If it is meant to be it will be!  I love when my horoscope hits it right on the nail!  Good job!

Thursday (yes)

The weekend is almost here, my plans are to relax, right do you really think that will happen!  I hope it does and after last Sundays meltdown it just might!   Garbage cans went out on Monday night and guess what when I came home they were brought back in !  That's a beginning for sure, now I just have to get my husband to flush the toilet!  I know, to much information but I told you my blog, my life and I am trying to be honest and truthful about it and this is it!  What can I tell you lol!  If I told you there are nights I wake up and go to the bathroom and sit down and I am sure you will guess it I sit in ?  Pick up the sit fellas not fun for a women to deal with and you wonder why I am Yelling (really).  If I told you once I have told you a million times (not funny). My wedding anniversary is coming up, Oct, 9 we will be married 30yrs. wow can not believe it has been that long and we are still married!  A lot of ups and downs in it, but we stuck it out, that's a good thing in this day and age where married couples pack it in real quick! All the yelling, pick up your own cloths, pick up the toilet seat, close the kitchen cabinet doors, put your dishes in the sink, bring out the garbage cans, bring in the garbage cans, take out the dogs, help me please move the lawn furniture(do I really have to ask) and so much more.  Now the big question was it worth it, let me think, yea it is and was, my biggest accomplishment in my life is our son, without my husband there would be no son, and as for me yelling, I'm Italian and that's pretty much what we do! Now if you ask him what he thinks, I could tell you he would say it was ruff, but he is still here, so actions speak louder than words! Nothing is perfect and never will be!  Deal with it, try to learn by it and with a lot of luck, in the end you will finally think, I was right where I was suppose to be all along!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Rob's first day of College!

Called Rob, and said how was your first day of college, he said good, next question, did you see any of your friends from school, he proceeded in giving me a few names, than he says, mom I am not going to the book store on campus it was packed, I said okay, no problem, that is why we got all your books ahead of time, lol.  He only need one more book that was short, and he still was waiting for, I guess he went into panic mode when he saw the lines. Than he said the Professor mostly talked and they listened! That was the jest of the conversation!  What did I expect, excitement, joy to be in school, more conversation, I should know by now that getting answers to questions is like pulling tooth and nail to get LOL. I am happy in the long run to know he is in college and on to a great future for himself and hopefully his future family!  Okay, okay I am pushing it a little, and if he saw this blog he would think I am more nuts than he thinks already!  Oh well whats a mom to do!  Questions and wanting and praying for answers is all part of the motherly way,  am I right ladies?

Dream stealers!

Dream stealer's, the meaning is, people who try to put down something you are excited about and if you do not believe in yourself to the fullest steals that dream away from you! Let's say you believe in (my case Mary Kay Cosmetic, your gun ho about it and a dream stealer's starts using their negativity on you and beats you down, that is a dream stealer! It is very easy for a dream stealer to put things in your head, like your wasting your time, nothing will ever come out of that, find a real job, Stop wasting your money on this and anything there big mouths can say they will!  First thing is, find something you believe in, second thing is do not ask for advise, because it will be not what you want to hear, and third thing is to focus on your objective and that is to succeed and reach your goal!  Dream stealer's are everywhere, so remember stay away from them! God, I really need to follow my own advise, I really need to stay away from Dream stealers! LOL

Love that you follow me!

I really love that you guys follow me, but no one ever comments on all the things I say, I would love feedback, of any kind, good bad or ugly, well maybe not to bad!  I mean I will try to say more right things, but in all honesty, I can not change who or what I am any better than the next person could!  I always say to me, myself and I , that I like being me and you know what it really is not talk it is truth!
My mom was one of the most kind hearted people in the world and sometimes people like that get stepped on with out realizing it is being done to them!  I always said to myself I would not let that happen to me and guess what it has and still does happen to me! Through it all I always try to stay on the positive side of the road and just keep pushing along. It has made me a stronger person to say the least, but no matter what people try to do or say to bring me down, I still love being me, so they have not won in my eyes, I'm the winner not them!  I love that I have all the qualities of my mom.  I think kindness to others is a good thing and gets you further, not to change the subject but you know the saying right, every dog has his day, and believe you me I have seen it first hand that they get what is coming to them!  So when all is said and done, kindness and respect of others is a plus, always remember when someone is treating you maybe not the way they should be, in your mine just think to yourself, one day that dog will have his day! It works for me all the time!  LOL Later my friends!

Horoscope update (Aries) 9/5/12

Nothing like hitting it right, it reads:Your extra energy will kick in mid morning.There are things you should not do fast. Talking is one of them.   Okay, LOL now that is a horoscope worth reading, I did get out of the rut I was in and feeling (told you I am not bi-bolar) its the weather. Anyway the things I do fast is talking fast and talking to much. Sometimes logical things come out of this mouth of mine and than again loads of not so logical things come out!  My problem always has and most likely always will be not thinking before I talk!  Okay shoot me, that could be a big problem, I know but I have learned how to control this problem when need be, the talking fast part is a problem though still. Oh well a women's work is never done, so a note to me, talk slow very very slow!


To change the subject and hopefully my mood, I just remember I saw a movie of Julia Child's called Julie and Julia or visa versa, whatever anyway I finally saw the whole movie till the end after about 5 times trying to see it in its entirety and you know what it was good! Julia was never a favorite of mine growing up as a teenager (goes to show you how much I knew) I guess it was her voice that made me think her strange, but that was than and this is now and she was wonderful to say the least!  I loved the whole concept of the girl Julie writing a blog and doing one recipe a day from her cook book for one complete year! Not sure if you knew this but it was a true story of both Julie the writer and cook and Julia Child the cook!  I was disappointed in the end of movie, but that is for me to know and you to find out!  (No spoiler alert) here! I would have loved for them to ? Sorry no can say LOL  I really liked this movie even if it took me about 3 yrs to finally see the whole thing!  When you get a chance, if you have not seen it already take time to see this movie, I promise you it is really enjoyable!  Bon Appetite!  Always wanted to say that!  Isn't writing just grand!

Another low day!

You know something, I am learning each and every day how hard it is to write a blog when the only thing you are feeling is really nothing!  I know you still are thinking this women is bi-polar for sure (heck the word is probably not even spelled right) but I'm not, being a little down could be just the weather blues, rain always does that to me! I am just plain out in a rotten mood, seems I can not even crack a smile for crown out loud!  Feeling sorry for myself is really ridicules that's for sure, at least I have a job with money coming in.  There is loads of people right now that are really in trouble more so than I have ever been! It is Rob's first day of college, so I am real glad about that and you all know all the good things coming his way!  I really just have to get out of this mood that is dragging me down and call it a day! You know something it is easier said than done, because I am really trying and as of right now, right this minute, nothing is making this person come back to the real world and the land of the happy!  I will check in later to let you know if it got any better!  Pray for me will ya!  Yours truly, Fran!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Worry worry worry!

Hi guys, It is not a good feeling when you worry about things you have no control over, not a good feeling at all!  I just for once would love to get up and spend the day worry free!  I always wonder why does this have to happen to me!  What did I do to deserve this sort of situation I am in!  I am not able to discuss my reasons for feeling the way I do on my blog, it would not be the right thing to do, but to be true to my followers I do have to let you know what I am feeling a little because it is me, a part of my life,what sort of blog would it be if I did not fill you in on the ups and recently quite a few downs I experience  every day of my life!   No one walks around with a happy face blaster there permanently, that's for sure! LOL We all know life is not always fair but it is always good to be alive and to know that you are loved even when you are feeling down and low!  Oh well tomorrow is another day, time will tell and I have to believe all will be okay in the end!  That is how I proceeded with life (my) and it has never let me down yet! 

Forever day!

It really feels like a forever day today, I really hate when I feel like that!  I have no Idea why I am in such a funky mood today!   I really have to span my horizons and quick!  I love what I do and I mean no offense against anyone at all, its me just me!  I feel like I just want to spread my wings and try other things in my life before my life is over! I really can not be the only person in this great big world that feels like that at least once in their life!  I guess after my meltdown on Sunday, it took a toll on me more than I thought. Feeling really restless today and confused, confusion is not a feeling I want to have, and what makes it even worse is when you can not get rid of that feeling and it takes control of you!  Being a strong willed and strong minded person, it really sucks big time!  All I could say is shake the feeling Fran (me) and get on with Gods plan for your life what ever it may be.


Yup, that's is what I had for sure, have no idea why , yea I know why it pretty much went like this, Friday was in great mood, knew I had a 3  day weekend to look forward to so I was feeling great! Saturday came still in great mood doing things that needed to be done! Sunday, meltdown day, why you ask, okay I will tell you, after busting my butt in the house and running around, a little help is not much to ask, so what is so hard with asking my husband when you let the dogs out, and they come back in please make sure Bella, which is in the time of month frame( like us women) to put back on her diaper, so it does not get on rug or furniture, if I said it once I have said it 20 times.  Well you guessed it, it did not sink in and me and my Italian temper just lost it!  I could have won an Oscar for this one, I ranted and raved for a good 2 hours and what I did not say about that and a thousand other things that I wanted to say to him or anyone that got in my way(for that matter)!  I'm human right, give me a break please, I work at a job with stress, I come home clean,and more cleaning, shop for grocery, do wash take care of dogs(5) keep up with the yard and have a clean and spotless house which I am sure you all appreciate.  I vented and walked around for most of the day with a puss on my face that for me was not in character at all!  Do you want to know what my husband says to me, why are you in a bad mood, what started you off!  Guess what guys he started me off all over again, I don't think he will ask that question again! LOL. As for Monday it was a perfect day! The yelling and screaming turned out to be the best medicine for me in the long run, do I think he and my son got the message, hell no, but it made me feel better in the long run.